Are you feeling self-conscious about missing teeth? Don’t want to wear dentures? Then dental implants can be a great natural looking alternative. Providing a complete tooth restoration option, dental implants can help you smile with confidence.
Made from strong titanium, dental implants are a screwlike anchor that acts as artificial tooth roots. Anchoring to the jawbone and gum tissue, dental implants provide a stable base for crowns, bridges, and dentures. A natural looking crown then covers the implant to ensure your smile looks natural.
Dental implants offer the more permanent solution to missing teeth. Unlike dentures, dental implants don’t move around allowing you to eat almost anything and speak clearly at all times.
The cost of dental implants can depend on what you need the implant for, how many are required and whether you receive a health fund rebate. During your dental check up, our friendly team will be able to discuss the procedure and costs with you and answer any questions you may have.
We will also provide you with the information you need to talk to your health fund about coverage to make a fully informed decision.
Do you have questions about dental implants? Call the Goulburn Family and Cosmetic Dental Practice today on (02) 4822 8224 to discuss the option of dental implants at your next dental check up.